CoinFlip: Your Crypto Сhain Hub
How to transfer tokens between blockchains
The state "Paid" indicates that the last token transaction on the destination blockchain has been completed.
The bridged amount is now available in the destination wallet.
CoinFlip cross chain bridge - what is it?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CoinFlip?
CoinFlip is a next-generation blockchain bridge that places security first while maintaining full functionality. With CoinFlip, you can easily port tokens across Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain networks within minutes.
It is the first bridge that offers a fully security-focused solution, that safeguards 95% of funds in cold storage vaults. In addition to that, there is an easy-to-use UI, and porting can be done at astounding speed.
What Makes CoinFlip Unique?
A few features set CoinFlip apart from the pack as a cutting-edge blockchain bridge. The two features that stand out the strongest are an emphasis on security and ease of use. It is the first security-focused bridge in this space that stores 95% of all tokens in cold storage wallets at all times.
Another key benefit includes its full interoperability. With CoinFlip, you can port tokens across Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain networks without the need to revert back to the original chain. Other features include permissionless porting, multiple wallet support, direct contract calls, and live support, with many more features on their way.
How Secure is CoinFlip?
CoinFlip leads the way in terms of security with advanced blockchain-specific features such as:
- Funds segregation
- Multi-sig cold wallet protection
- Multi-party computation cold vaults
- Contract-level security
- Continuous monitoring
For detailed explanations of our security features, check our Security Page.
Why Should I Port Tokens Across Blockchains?
There are a few reasons why a project may wish to port its token across blockchains. The two primary reasons are fees and exposure to additional DEXs. For example, other chains may require lower fees than the native chain, which makes the process of trading or transferring tokens less expensive. The other reason is that it may boost a token’s user base and become more attractive to traders who use specific DEXs.
Are There any Fees Involved?
The basic porting fee on CoinFlip is 0.2% - 0.3% of the value of each port and can be paid in a few different methods:
- Pay with the Ported Token
E.g., If a user wishes to port 10,000 METIS tokens, a fee of 30 METIS will be deducted from the port.
- Pay with the Chain’s Native TokenUsers can pay porting fees of 0.3% in their blockchain’s native token. E.g., if the METIS token is a native ERC-20 token, the user can pay the fee in ETH.
How long does it take to complete a cross chain transfer?
CoinFlip's native token is in progress now. It will be a vital to CoinFlip's ecosystem and long-term viability. Future CoinFlip's token will represents a unit of value and a medium of exchange that can be used in many ways.
Future token will be used to discount porting fees and stimulate eco-system growth through staking, locks, liquidity
incentives, buybacks, partner and user rewards, and referral and affiliation rewards.
Does CoinFlip Have a Native Token?
CoinFlip is developed by DescentLabb, a company specializing in developing blockchain-based products and solutions, including MEV Bots protections and DEX price optimization.
Who Built CoinFlip?
No. Currently, you can easily port your tokens from Ethereum back to BNB Smart Chain and vice versa. To port your tokens back to Ethereum, simply connect your wallet to CoinFlip’s app. Once connected, select the source chain and token, set the target chain to Ethereum, and complete the porting process.